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Garage Services in Haydock

Expert mechanics at Thomdel Service & Repair will tune your car perfectly so that it performs at optimal levels. Whether you need a full service or some minor work done, we can help.

vehicle in Garage having tyres checked

Quality Vehicle Repair & Garage Services

At Thomdel Service & Repair, we aim to prevent problems before they happen. We use the latest vehicle diagnostic technologies and the highest quality parts for servicing and repairs. Whatever you need, we have the skills to do it right. Read about our services below and visit our workshop in Haydock today.

Brakes and Clutches

When it comes to brakes and clutches, it is essential that not even the slightest problem should exist. Maintaining your brakes and clutch is essential to ensuring the safety of your vehicle. We can help with a range of brakes and clutch services including:

🔧 Discs

🔧 Brake pads

🔧 Brake replacement/repairs

🔧 Clutch replacement/repairs

🔧 Clutch assembly

brake disk

Vehicle Repairs

Are you looking for a high quality vehicle repair service? Look no further. Whether it's minor cosmetic repairs or more serious issues, our team are here to help with:

🔧 Scratch repairs

🔧 Cylinder head repairs

🔧 Gearboxes

🔧 Suspension adjustment

🔧 Commercial repairs

Mechanic repairing the wheel area of a vehicle in a workshop

Vehicle Servicing and Inspection

An annual service can help you ensure you maintain your vehicles condition and address any issues before they worsen. Thomdel Service & Repair offers a comprehensive service including:

🔧 Tyre checking

🔧 Brake checks

🔧 Engine checks

🔧 Exhaust system checks

🔧 Commercial and domestic

Checking tyre pressure. Pumping air into auto wheel. Vehicle safe concept

Engine Diagnostics and Batteries

Do you regularly check on your car's battery? A faulty or drained battery can have severe consequences on your vehicle including its inability to start when the engine is ignited.  If you're concerned about the performance of your car or have a warning light suddenly on the dashboard, get in touch with our team to arrange an engine diagnostic check.

🔧 Petrol and diesel engines

🔧 Engine replacement

🔧 Battery charging

🔧 Battery replacement

🔧 Engine part supply

Mechanics tuning car engine

If you are looking for a garage service not listed above, contact us to see how we can help.

🔧 Vehicle Servicing & Repairs

🔧 24/7 Roadside Recovery

🔧 Mobile Tyre Repairs

🔧 Body Shop Repairs



For any quotes or information, please call 01942 294056 or 07980 262762.

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